It is the official state song of the U.S. The song was written by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell thirty years before this particular version was released, and various others have recorded it, but Ray Charles does it better than any of them. 'Georgia on My Mind' is a song written in 1930 by Hoagy Carmichael (music) and Stuart Gorrell (lyrics). Listen carefully and you’ll hear the strings do a rise and fall that is strikingly reminiscent of the James Bond theme song.ģ. The strings have several great moments in the song, notably the opening few bars, but my favourite part comes at 1:17, as he sings, “Her the arms reach out to me”. However, the lyrics of the song are written ambiguously enough as to refer to the state or to a woman named Georgia. Other than that, the same notes and chords. Just be sure to emphasize the minor key more when you use it. Listen to them at 0:39 and I’m sure you’ll be able to imagine them in the recording studio, draped over pianos, slumped in chairs, too chilled-out to bother snapping their fingers. Relative Minor You can also play this song in E minor. It sounds like a choir that’s just re-gaining consciousness after dental surgery. The world’s most laid-back back-up singers. Other articles where Georgia on My Mind is discussed: Ray Charles: market with the best-sellers Georgia on My Mind (1960) and Hit the Road, Jack (1961). The muscles in the back of your neck will thank you.ġ. The second the weather gets nice in your part of the world, you need to schedule a meeting with a hammock, your favourite drink, and Ray Charles. Grab your calendar, iPhone, Trapper Keeper, or whatever you use to make appointments, and schedule a time to lie in the sun somewhere with this song in your ears. From Cross Timbers Elementary School - Azle - TXContributors128220181 August 26th, 2019. If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, do yourself a favour.